22 Highfields Rd, Highfields QLD 4352


Benefits of Desexing Your Dog
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1 March 2024

Benefits of Desexing Your Dog

Here are some medical benefits to keep in mind when considering desexing your dog!

For female dogs, spaying can eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancy, significantly reduce the risk of mammary tumours, eliminate the chance of ovarian and uterine tumours, and prevent serious conditions like pyometra.

Meanwhile, neutering male dogs can curb the urge for male dogs to roam, lower the risk of prostatic diseases and perianal tumours, and eliminate the chance of

testicular cancers.

Keep your pet healthy and happy with responsible desexing!

Book here https://bit.ly/4b2Zqu5


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Address22 Highfields Rd, Highfields QLD 4352